Aer Lingus Cancellation Policy

  • Passengers are allowed to cancel their booking before 24 hours from the scheduled departure of the flight time so in that case, people will not pay any cancellation charges.
  • After the cancellation of the reservation, passengers can book another ticket with the same account.
  • The cancellation of booking will only accept through the official website of Aer Lingus and its application.
  • In case, the flight has been cancelled due to heavy air traffic, bad weather, or other reason so passengers will get a full refund amount without any cancellation fees.
  • Due to illness and relative death, passengers can cancel their booking anytime from anywhere then, they don’t pay any cancellation charges but passengers have to submit relevant documents.

How to Cancel Aer Lingus Flights Ticket?

This is a very strong decision when travellers decided to cancel their Aer Lingus flights ticket but before doing anything, you need to know easy Aer Lingus cancellation below-presented steps.

Steps to cancel Aer Lingus Flights Ticket:

  1. Firstly, visit the official website of Aer Lingus using any web browser.
  2. Then, tap on the Manage Trip section.
  3. After then, enter the Booking reference number & passenger name.
  4. Again, hit on the ‘Manage Trip’ button.
  5. Find your recent reservation and hit on the cancel button.

Now you are done!

Furthermore, the Aer Lingus Flights cancellations process has been completed and you will get confirmation on your registered email address as well as mobile number.

How to cancel their Aer Lingus flight with help of phone number?

This is a suitable and convenient way to cancel any booking without making much more effort where you need to dial a toll-free helpline number and provide the booking reference number & name to the travel representative and then, you will get full support for cancellation as well as refund.

What happens if Aer Lingus cancels a flight?

Generally, it happens with people, on this condition Aer Lingus offers plenty of advantages to their travellers. People can get a reimbursement of 600 dollars for the delay and automatic cancel flight and sometimes, passengers can take the complimentary dining and drinks via special promo code. Also, passengers can re-book the airlines without any extra charges but some conditions will apply. So, before the Aer Lingus cancellations process, passengers must confirm the benefits and facilities after the cancellation of the ticket as well as the refund process.

How often does Aer Lingus cancel flights?

As per the EU regulations, people have to pay up to 700 US dollars per head for late cancellation of Aer Lingus flight but charges are not fixed for some flight and it will vary destination, delay, distance, and the cancellation conditions of the ticket and before 14 days previous to the departure of the travellers. There are various types of compensation which can claim the passengers such as cancelled flight compensation, delayed flight compensation, lost & damaged baggage, overbooked flight compensation on the boarding time as well as alternative airline compensation. But before claiming the compensation passengers have to follow the Aer Lingus cancellation policy in the right manner.

Aer Lingus Cancellation Policy Frequently Asked Questions

Recent Comments:


Air Lingus, not us, had to cancel our flight from Minneapolis. As a result, we anticipate a complete refund. 5140718 is the reference number for our situation. Is it possible to get an answer from you? We've been trying to contact Expedia for hours and have had no luck.


Please Tell Me if I Cancel my reservation, How much will be deduct

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